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10 Things I Learned from the #Blogosphere

Posted by on April 16, 2012

I haven’t been blogging all that long, but I’ve observed a lot, and through the process I’ve learned a lot.  Here is my Top 10 things I”ve learned from the Blogosphere

1) Sharing is Caring

Whenever I see someone tweet out something I’ve written or see it posted on facebook, it makes me smile.  I also remember the first time one of my articles blew up on stumbleupon.  I was blown away, and I realized then that the possibilities were endless.

But, in the same regard, I’ve realized that I must pay it forward so when I see an article I truly enjoyed or a giveaway that may not have too many entries I try to pass it on by leaving a comment, tweeting it out or posting it via my facebook.

2) We all have something to teach

Look around the blogging world and you will run across people of many talents.  There are the photographers, the foodies, the fashionistas, the mommies, and the amazing entrepreneurs.  Each one of us has a gift, and it’s through our blog we tend to share those gifts with others.

We have something to teach one another by sharing our stories, our experiences, and our journeys.

3) Some people ARE just funnier.

Some people truly have this gift of turning an ordinary story into complete laughter just by the words they choose.  Some people say some of the darnest things that make you say, “why didn’t I think of that?”  It is in these moments we all just need to sit back, appreciate, and laugh a little harder.

BTW: I’m just not that funny, I’m too damn literal 😉

4) Some People Get It, Some People Don’t

Somewhere there has to be a blogging etiquette book out there.  Somewhere there has to be social media etiquette.  As we all try to learn our own strategy and learn about one another we may just cross that line 😉 That line that tells us, “whoops, we just don’t get it.” or “whoops, I shouldn’t have done that.”  or “whoops, I have no idea what I’m doing.”  Sometimes we get it, and sometimes we are the ones that don’t  😉

5) We’re not perfect.

We make mistakes.  We have journeys in life, but when it comes to our blogs, and through writing it out, we often find we run across a person who’s going through a similar experience.  It makes you realize how big this world is.  Or perhaps you run across a person that’s going through a far worse situation than the one you’re in.  It makes you think, and it makes you realize that yes, we’re not perfect, and yes, everyone’s going through something.

6) Friendships can be made online

There’s some people you meet and you have this instant connection, and then there are others where it takes a bit more time for that friendship to grow, but yes, through the means of sharing blog posts, through commenting, and through interacting, friendships bloom.  And it’s pretty awesome.

However, then again, there’s the times where we find ourselves getting attached to a specific blogger by what they write, and they may not even know who the heck you are 😉 That happens too.

7) No One Drinks Alone

Okay, I wasn’t entirely sure if I should put this one out there.  But think about it, it’s been a rough week at home, or work.  You open up a bottle of wine, and hop on twitter, and boom, there’s #winebuzz happening or #wineparty happening.  If you shout out something about wine, more than likely, someone will be there joining in 😉

8) You learn a lot through observation

This is where I learned a lot about blogging.  I would read other’s blog posts, I would see what kind of articles brought in a ton of comments, and I would revamped my articles, my posts to suit my readers.

I would observe the interactions on twitter to see what others were doing, or observe how another blogger interacts in person.  When you just sit back and observe, you take on an entirely new perspective.

9) It’s always better with a support system

The first few months of blogging I really didn’t know anyone.  I was on twitter flopping around like a fish trying to find my way in this vast world.  Soon, I was introduced to So Cal Lady Bloggers, and then I was introduced to The Catacombs Society, and that’s when my support system started to come together.

A group of ladies coming together to help each other with blogging, commenting, sharing.  And all of a sudden, I was getting more comments, getting more views, and people were starting to read.

10) Everyones not a photographer! 

This one I tend to forget, a lot.  Whenever I go to an event or festival, I observe the room and observe how many people are running around with cameras.  I observe how many people are taking their cell phones out to take pictures.

It’s hard to believe, but yes, not everyone is a photographer.  And it’s okay!!!

It just means they have talents elsewhere, and as I dig through the blogs, I find it, and appreciate their talent when I do.  OMG, those DIY Craft Projects, they’re so creative, or how a person came up with a certain recipe.

For me, it’s about appreciating what we all have to offer one another.

So, what things have you learned from the #blogosphere?





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