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I am Begging You. Let me Come to #SoFabCon14! #LuvSoFab14 #CollectiveBias

Posted by on January 17, 2014

Disclosure:  This Blog Post and Video was created in hopes of winning a ticket to this year’s SoFabCon14 in Arkansas.  A dream come true if you ask me. 

The question “Why” is always front and center for anything.  Why do you want to travel? Why do you want to visit there?  Why do you want to go to this conference?

I’ve worked with SoFab for about the past year and half.  Collective Bias was the first blogging network that I felt truly gave me a chance at my small time blog, but not only that, it was a network that embraced all bloggers, gave everyone a chance, and we were all able to earn income from our talents: blogging.

Needless to say, it’s been a blessing in disguise.  Helping out in those times of need with that extra bit of income coming in.  Making the holidays a little bit sweeter, but also challenging me to do better as a blogger, and become a better blogger period.  I have grown as a blogger.  I have grown in my skills, and also with my photos especially when it comes to food.  I have a long ways to go still, but I am on the right path.  Collective Bias has been a huge part of that.

I’ve created a little video pretty much “Begging” for the chance to attend SoFabCon14 in Arkansas:


I want to attend the conference so I can truly meet the team behind Collective Bias, acquire even more skills to make me an even better blogger, and come back with more knowledge and skills to take my blogging to the next level and perhaps even become a campaign leader myself at Collective Bias.

Like I said in my video, the word I chose this year was to (be) genuine.  The video I created couldn’t have been more genuine with what I want to accomplish on my bucket list, but to do some of those things I need to take my blog to the next level, and that’s where attending SoFabCon truly comes into play.

Wishing everyone who’s created a submission “good luck” and can’t wait to see the entries.  #SoFabCon14 #LuvSoFab14 #CollectiveBias

And PS: On my bucket list is also to visit all 50 States.  I have never been to Arkansas so you’d get me closer to that amazing goal.

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