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Grocery Outlet’s “Independence From Hunger” Campaign

Posted by on July 14, 2014

Disclosure: I occasionally work with Grocery Outlet to promote GREAT deals, and promotions happening at their stores.


For the fourth consecutive year, the USDA reported that 1 in every 6 Americans is food insecure and 46.5 million Americans (15%) were reported as living at or below the poverty level in 2012 (U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S. Data collected in 2012 and released September, 2013.)

Throughout July, traditionally a time when food agencies experience the greatest need, San Francisco area Grocery Outlets will encourage their customers and employees to donate food and cash in support of regional food assistance agencies.

Every Grocery Outlet in the Bay Area has chosen a local agency to assist with.

Independence from Hunger

Independence from Hunger® is a month long, company wide campaign where customers can donate food and/or cash to support local food assistance partners.

How can customers help?

*Look For Specialty Marked Food Items:

These are items that each designated food agency has compiled as “high need” items.  Purchase these products and place in the collection bins at the front of the store.

*Pick Up a Pre-Made Bag:

These pre-made bags are filled with items that are needed at each agency.  Purchase a pre-made bag and place in the collection bin located near the front of the store.

Hunger Bags

*Tell Your Cashier You’d Like to Make a Cash Donation:

Each cashier has the ability to give a donation to the food agency for the store.  You can give in increments of 1, 5 or Round Up to the Nearest Dollar at each check out.

*Pick Up Information at a Bay Area Grocery Outlet:

Brochures will be available with information about food hunger, and insecurities at area Grocery Outlets.  Be informed.

*Join the Events:

Various Events will be taking place at Bay Area Grocery Outlets to help with the food drive.  Join in.

Bay Area Grocery Outlets and their Food Agency Partners:

Novato:    Marin County Food Bank, Christ Church North Bay

Vistacion Valley: Red Cross

Palo Alto: InnVision Shelter Network

Geary: The Food Security Collective

Pinole: Food Bank of Contra Costra and Solano

So far, Grocery Outlet has raised over 6 figures in just the first week of this campaign, but we must keep the momentum going.  I know I will be in shopping to help out this cause, one that is near and dear to me.






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