This summer, berry season is upon us, but it also means, we honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice, celebrate our nation’s birthday, and end honoring all those in our labor force. The Red, White, and Blue has never been more significant.
When I woke up this morning (on Memorial’s Day) I soon realized the little things in my day that I could do to honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice, so I began putting my breakfast together:
It was quite simple too. Starting with my Mountain High Yoghurt then adding in my favorite berries that just happened to represent Red and Blue. The yoghurt was the perfect addiction with white. The creativity is in your hands as to what you’d like to create. It was a GREAT way to start off this Memorial’s Day.
About Mountain High Yoghurt:
In 1976, Mountain High started making yoghurt using a traditional European method we fondly renamed “Cultured in the Cup” —a method we still use today. We mix the milk and cultures together and put that into the same cups that will be shipped to the store later. The cups sit in a warm room for several hours while the cultures work their magic: thickening the yoghurt and giving it its distinct creaminess and tang. Since we use only cultures to thicken our yoghurt, we don’t need to add any gelatin or funny stuff. And it’s not just any milk we use, either. Because we want the milk to taste perfect, we look for farms where they never treat the cows with growth hormones* and all of our products are made with just a few simple ingredients. All of this simplicity makes Mountain High awesome!
Mountain High Yoghurt has also made my life a bit more simple by offering me a fast and easy way to create breakfast while ALWAYS on the go. In those mornings when I wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning, having a fast and simple breakfast energizes me for the day ahead.
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