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Spending a Day at the San Francisco Zoo

Posted by on August 2, 2015

I was honestly blown away by this Zoo.  Being a huge fan of Zoo’s, I didn’t go in with any expectations, and decided to let the Zoo tell its story.

Upon first entrance, my eyes were instantly drawn towards the Giraffe, and I found myself walking the Trail into Africa, and getting a vantage point of the Giraffes.  Lucky for me, they were extremely active that day, meaning, they were out and about, eating leaves off the trees, chasing Ostriches, and lurking about wondering what I was doing.

I visited the zoo during a Summer afternoon, but, for what it was worth, it was a good time because it seemed if the animals were a bit more active.

The only ones that really weren’t were the Bears, The Tigers, and the Lions.  We were able to see the Tigers in their dens, the lions sleeping away together, but no signs of the bears, at all.

For what it’s worth, I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story:


Giraffes Frolicking


A Tiger in his Pen


An Anteater


Beautiful Snow Leopard


And Penguins

When I first walked up to the Penguins, I was a little alarmed.  It was 72 degrees outside, and they were all hanging out outdoors.  BUT, I soon learned, that yes, there are Penguins that can EXIST in Warm Weather Conditions, these were such penguins.

It was a fun afternoon at the Zoo, and if you have not been, the San Francisco Zoo is definitely worth a visit in the future.


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