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Hotel Reviews

Throughout My Travels I’ve stayed at Various Hotels Along the Way.  Some being affordable motels, others being the perfect getaway destination Hotel that fits the theme of the Weekend.

Below Are Some of My Hotel Reviews Along the Way:

Northern California:


Silverado Resort

San Francisco:

Cavallo Point Lodge:

San Jose:

Hotel De Anza


Cary House

Central California:

Monterey/Carmel by the Sea:

Vendange Inn and Suites

Hofsas House

Paso Robles:

Allegretto Vineyard & Resort

Southern California:

Orange County:

Hyatt Regency Orange County

Catalina Island:

Catalina Island Vacation Rentals


The Oaks at Ojai: The Full Experience


Ashland Hills and Suites: Ashland, Oregon:


The Carson Valley Inn