Tagged With: Entertainment
2015 Bay Area Travel and Adventure Show! February 7 & 8
Disclosure: I will be attending this year’s Travel and Adventure Show. Ever since moving to California I have been attending the Travel and Adventure show. My first three years in Los Angeles then the past year in the Bay Area. Every year I discover and learn about new areas of California to travel too along … Continue reading
Katy Perry Announces her US Prismatic World Tour Dates:
Disclosure: I am a huge Katy Perry fan, and when I received the press release, it wasn’t hard to decide to write about this. I’d give anything to see her in concert. How about you? I love Katy Perry. Seriously. For years now, I have had a mad crush on her, and I rarely get … Continue reading
24th Street Theatre presents: “Huraclown.”
There’s an interesting story behind “24th Street Theatre.” This theater located in one of the poorest parts of the city brings theater to their community. They get involved, offer a variety of opportunities for the community, and also invite them in to experience theater of all kinds. They are near the end of their 15th … Continue reading