Tagged With: History
Debuting Today: June 13th: The Saga at San Fernando Historic Cathedral #SanAntonio #VisitSanAntonio
Debuting this evening, Friday, June 13th, the historic San Antonio San Fernando Cathedral will have a new video art installation. This installation will depict the culture, people and settlement of San Antonio in a beautiful display. The installation created by renowned French Artist, Xavier de Richemont will narrate the historical discovery, settlement and development of … Continue reading
Spending the day in San Juan Capistrano
This past weekend my love and I headed down to San Juan Capistrano. He wanted to show me the Mission. This was my first time ever exploring a mission, and these are some of my shots from the day: The map of the small town of San Juan Capistrano. The first part of the mission … Continue reading
Movie Review: Lincoln
This weekend Lincoln is coming to a theater near you, and for any history buff, this is a must see. Lincoln isn’t your typical Abraham Lincoln story, and it gives you more of a perspective of the times way back then. Lincoln focuses upon one aspect of Lincoln’s career with the process of the … Continue reading