It was a little over 3 Years ago when i discovered WoodenShoe Tulip Farm in Oregon. I relentlessly followed them on Instagram (@woodenshoefarm). I discovered them after I visited a small Tulip field at a nearby winery in my community!
My love of Tulips was growing more and more. When I discovered Woodenshoe, I was enarmored by the beauty of the flowers, the colors, and as a fan of photography, the idea of creating beautiful photos.
The Tulip Farm season is just 1 short Month, so you have to plan a trip around it. I had every intention of making the trip in 2020, however, COVID, so this year, in 2021, as things were beginning to open up. I had become fully vaccinated, I was ready to get out of California for a bit, and needed a road trip.
That’s when I remembered Woodenshoe Tulip Farm, and had to make my plans: We booked a few nights at the Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton, Oregon, which was just about 15-20 minutes away from the Woodenshoe Tulip Farm. This year, because of COVID, we had to pre-purchase our tickets ($15 a piece for the day, select our designated time and day) and then made our trip happen.
I’m so glad I did: These were just some of the photos taken:

This was my favorite photo of the day. We got to the Tulip Farm around 11am on a Thursday morning. The clouds were right above, and the blue skies were just around the corner. This image caught the beauty of the flowers, the blue sky along with the clouds.

It was my goal to capture a Tulip with Raindrops on it. I think I fared pretty well here!

Capturing David in the element! Tractor Trailer, Red Tulips, and the fields surrounding him!

This was just a small sample of the some of the GREAT photos captured that day, but I wanted to give you guys an idea of what you can create at a Tulip Field or Flower field, in general! It was such a great outing and something I’d do again, in a heartbeat!
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