A few weeks ago I had an amazing opportunity with Life in LA, a site I contribute to by writing play reviews and various events happening around SoCal.
The event was heading down to Laguna Beach to check out a preview of their Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters program. I first heard about this wonderful event last summer, my first summer out in LA. I heard it was pretty huge, but I had no idea what exactly went on, so when this opportunity came, I jumped at the chance.
My fellow colleague Kristi Tisor Ambriz, who also runs a fellow blog over at Wings Like Eagles was also asked to cover this event. This would be her first experience with the event too. When we met up we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, or what the night would entail.
But, by the end of the night we were blown away, and it definitely went down in the books as a night to remember.
The Festival of Arts is celebrating their 80th season, and opens up this Sunday, July 1st and runs through August 31st. Over 140 artist’s are juried to be apart of the festival. Watercolor artists, photographers, and many more are available throughout the festival showcasing their work. That night we had the opportunity to meet 3 amazing artists. More info. on the festival of arts can be found on my article written for Life in LA.
The other part of the evening focused upon The Pageant of the Masters. I had no idea what the heck this was about, but by the end I was blown away. They take a painting of history, by famous artists, and make them come alive on stage. However, the people in the paintings are actually real people posing.
This was an example of one of the portraits that is showcased at the Pageant of the Masters for this upcoming year. The Pageant begins shows on Saturday, July 7th and runs through August 31st. And let me tell you, from what I seen it is well worth it.
That evening we experienced the first live portrait, which was a chess piece, and they came out in their costumes, and make up, and stood still for a good 5 minutes. We also had the opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at the painting, and sculpting process, and also took a peek in the make up and costume rooms. It truly was a night to remember.
To read more about our evening out at the preview night, and to learn more about The Pageant of the Masters, please check out Kristi’s piece at Life in LA.
If you’ve been to the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters, let me know about it. Will you be going this summer? If you’ve never been I hope you’ve enjoyed this post, and if you reside in California, hope you make it out sometime this summer.
I know I will be spending some time in Laguna, and can’t wait to see the Pageant of the Masters in its entirety.
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