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Homemade Apple Fries!

Posted by on October 19, 2015

Every fall, I see many head off to LegoLand and grab some of their favorite “Apple Fries.”  This year, when I saw the pictures come in, I realized, “these can’t be hard to make at home.”

As I stared at my box of apples from my recent Apple Orchard Trip, I knew I had to try:


And soon, I realized HOW EASY they were to make. So, want to learn how?


3 Large Apples (your favorite varietal, I used Granny Smith!)

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/2 Cup Corn Starch

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Butter (for frying pan)


In small bowls, pour 1/2 cup of Corn Starch, set aside.

In another small bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon, mix together. Set aside.

Heat up Frying Pan, place butter in pan once heated up.  Let butter melt in pan.

Cut up Apples, peel the skin off, and cut into apple slices like “fries.”

Cover the apple slices with corn starch then place in frying pan.  Fry, Turn, Simmer, for a minute or more until golden brown.  Then roll in Sugar and set on a plate or bowl.


Place Apple Fries in a Waffle Cone, and add Whip Cream to them for a fun dessert or after school snack.


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