Tagged With: Lodi Wine
Lodi Wine: Their Varietals May Surprise You!
Disclosure: I participated in an online conversation about Lodi Wine. Wine Samples were sent out to me on behalf of Snooth.Com; This is what I discovered. Since my first visit to Lodi over a year ago now, I’ve been intrigued by the region, and what the grape growers and wine makers are doing in this … Continue reading
Categories: Travel
Tags: Acquiesce, Belle Blanc, Farrah Syrah, Grenache, Klinker Brick, Lange Twins, Lodi Wine, McCay Cellars, Nero D'Avolo
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My First Lodi Winery: Oak Farm Vineyards!
Disclosure: We visited Oak Farm Vineyards on our Friday Night Excursions into Lodi during the 2016 Wine Bloggers Conference. This is my experience along with the beginning. All opinions are my own. Oak Farm Vineyards will always hold a pretty special place in my heart. It was the first winery I ever visited in Lodi, … Continue reading
Categories: Travel
Tags: Chad Joseph, Chef Michael Midgeley, Devries Ranch, Devries Vineyards, History of Lodi, Lodi, Lodi Wine, Oak Farm Vineyards, Oak Tree, Oak Trees, Sauvignon Blanc, Winemaker