Movie Reviews
A film for your #Foodie Heart: The Hundred-Foot Journey #100FootJourney
It’s not often enough that there’s a movie that comes out dedicated to the foodies of the world. And, this feature film of The Hundred-Foot Journey, will have us craving an amazing meal afterwards. In DreamWorks Pictures’ “The Hundred-Foot Journey,” the opening of a new Indian restaurant in the south of France next to a … Continue reading
Movies for the Wine Obsessed
Disclosure: Post may include affiliate links. It was only a matter of time before my obsession with wine would eventually collide with my desire to see wine based movies. The past two weeks I have invested time into watching these kind of movies and my suggestions are what follow: 1) Sideways (Widescreen Edition) This movie, … Continue reading
5 Reasons to Go See Captain America: The Winter Soldier this weekend
Disclosure: I saw a pre-screening of the film last week. All opinions are my own. If there is one super hero that truly stands for the courageous acts of bravery, courage, and good values, it is Captain America. The film came out yesterday April 4th, and let me tell you, it’s worth seeing. But here’s … Continue reading